Book Placements

Joining my parents on their book journey has been a wonderfully enriching experience. Caide Francis. - Proofreader

Maybe it is because you are artists in mind and doing that you have the ability to experience deeply the wonders of nature and happenings around you…… any culture. You are real story tellers and like a poet you can describe your experiences with empathy. Torben and Henny Molsner - Denmark

Mark West - Fleetwood Print Group Pty Ltd

David and Anne Dansick

Here we are - book in hand, about to set sail on a journey that is less about the art displayed herein but more about the art of living well. Harriet Gaffney - Arts Officer Surf Coast Shire

Complimenti..…………Terry Guida

I have just recently finished reading your amazing book from cover to cover……twice. A great read that takes pride of place in our home. Ian and Jill Ridgeway

I love your love story. Olga Learoyd

Pam and Richard Austin

Victorian State Library and Australian National Library

Yet another collaborative work of art. Marion Singleton - Twinsilver fine art gallery 2002-2017

Jan and George are immense joy. Massimiliano Panero - Qualitaly Cultural Association Italy

You and George must be proud of your achievements over the past 50+ years. What a story !!! Sue Corbet

Julie Pham

Carol Glasgow

Will, Zoe and Roman Robertson

Thank you for writing this book. Coral Kuiper

Yvonne and Linton Horsfield It is such a fabulous trove of your own entwined creative journeys and a terrific comprehensive history of the work of yourselves as leading local and international exhibitor artists. Truly an astounding showcase of your lives and work……an enormous achievement. Dr Shirley Strachan

Lucian Wu London England

It’s the perfect book. Rosemary Harris-Arnott

Michael Morgan Dog Rocks

Helen and Ian Nicholls

Mace, Gabby and Ava

Geelong Library

Gudrun Wilkinson