
Welcome to Moongate……………… by invitation or appointment most days, we invite you to be inspired, perhaps acquire from our archived and recent artworks in the gallery or leisurely stroll through the ARTwALK in the gardens and grounds of Moongate.


We host an Open Gallery/Studio on the first Sunday of each month 10am - 4pm or by arrangement

Gallery/Studio Updates

Current Exhibition

Sunday June 4………… the Open Gallery launch for the Winter @ Moongate series 2023 and features a celebration of our limited edition linocuts and etchings, some of which were created 30 years ago. Though some editions are now sold out, please find selected images under DRAWINGS in the catalogue listing.

Available framed or unframed

Work in Progress


Work began on this commission many months ago. A full-size armature will enable clay to be sculpted to the full-figure size in the coming months. A maquette was created to consolidate the concept for the client’s approval and the sculptor’s assurance. Stay tuned………………..

By Easter 2023, the clay phase was completed and arrangements started for the bronzing process.

Your sculpture is beautiful. To see her bronzed will be another level but I love her now. Blended with the story, she is even more powerful. I love every element: the flowing line of thin clothing, the body stretch upwards through the arms, the muscle in the neck, the expression of basking in pure sensation on her face and the beautiful folds of gradually decreasing braid on her back. All this from a piece of clay……………….magic !!

Kerrie Reyntjes-Bedson President Geelong Sculptors Inc

On April 26 foundryman Brendan Hackett collected ANGEL for the wax , bronze and patina processes. Jan and I travelled to Blueprint Foundry in West Melbourne twice to ensure the wax was in original order for the bronzing stage. The process continued through the pour and patination stages and finally WHITE ANGEL was delivered back to Moongate………………..congratulations to the team.